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Death By Audio Interstellar Overdriver


1.659,00 DKK

Stock coming soon - pre-order available

ETA: Mid March

Stock coming soon - pre-order available

Product Description

Death By Audio Interstellar Overdriver


The Interstellar Overdriver is a true overdrive pedal, designed to blast your amp with your sound. Beautifully transparent and based around a discrete circuit, this pedal is all about the natural, wonderful sound of turning an amp up too loud. It’s specifically constructed to work the same way as old tube amps – the more you turn it up, the better it sounds. The drive knob sweeps from a slight boost to a beautiful, harmonically rich overdrive. For more control, kick back the output volume with the MASTER knob while retaining the sweetness. There are a lot of pedals out there attempting to do this simple, beautiful thing, but this one is the best.

Main Features:

  • Master: Output volume of the effect.
  • Overdriver: Sets the amount of gain, from a sweet boost to a nasty crunch.
  • Power: 9V (runs on standard 2.1mm negative center 9V adapter or included 9V battery).
  • Current Draw: 1 mA.

Additional information

Weight 0,65 kg
Dimensions 17 × 13,5 × 8,2 cm

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