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Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dweller

Phase Repeater

1.799,00 DKK

Stock coming soon - pre-order available

ETA: Late February

Stock coming soon - pre-order available

Product Description

Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dweller

Phase Repeater

What if a phaser could remember itself? Dweller remembers and it remembers far too much. From familiar phase and vibe sounds to resonant random step filtering, warm delays, and previously unheard in-betweens, the Dweller is capable of countless sonic textures with five controls and six modes.

Main Features:

  • Phase Repeater pedal – a unique blend of phaser and delay
  • Stretch control – introduces delay in between the phase stages for a world of inimitable ambient textures
  • Voice and Shape toggles – from vintage to modern phasing and all the way to random step filter sounds
  • Expression in – control either Time or Morph via an external expression pedal
  • Made in the USA
  • Powered by 9V DC PSU
    (centre -, 2.1mm, ~46mA current draw)

Dweller is a phase repeater. This means it’s a phaser and a delay, but also a lot of stuff in between. However, this is not a simple combination of the two effects, with one running into the other. No, this is a monstrous hybrid that sees the delay lines actually run in between each phasing stage, allowing you to stretch out the spacing between each stage. It’s something that’s never been done before and it’s capable of creating immense beauty.

Dweller’s magic control is the Stretch knob, which sets the delay time between each phasing stage. At minimum you get no delay, which makes the pedal act as a normal phaser, with Depth and Regen determining the intensity of the phasing. But as you increase the Stretch, you will unlock a world of endless ambient textures residing somewhere between smeary multi-tap delays, pulsating tremolo landscapes and glitched-out sweeping atmospheres. You really have to hear it to fully understand its sonic beauty.

On top of that you have a voice switch, which toggles between 4-stage and 8-stage phasing and a shape switch, which selects between sine, triangle and random step wave. These switches greatly affect the sound and feel of Dweller, and lets you create everything from classic phasing, random step filter sequences, thick vibey sounds and organic vibratos.

Finally, there’s an expression input which lets you take control over the Stretch knob on the fly via an external expression pedal. Letting you go from classic phasing to long and smeary ambient textures, simply with your foot.

The output level can be tweaked via an internal trim-pot for boost, slight drop, or unity gain.

Additional information

Weight 0,453 kg
Dimensions 14,4 × 8,2 × 7,8 cm

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