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KMA Machines Chief Disruptor Fuzz Demo

KMA Machines Chief Disruptor Fuzz Demo

Guitar and synthesizer demo of the disruptive fuzzy distortion within the new KMA Machines Chief Disruptor Fundamental Fuzz/Distortion. The Chief Disruptor is KMA’s take on the legendary Big and Muffy fuzz tones of yesteryear. Sporting 3 different clipping modes,...
SolidGoldFX Imperial MkII Fuzz Demo

SolidGoldFX Imperial MkII Fuzz Demo

The Imperial MkII is a 4 slider homage to the rare JEN Jumbo Fuzz from the 70s, one of the first gated fuzz pedals on the market. Sporting a highly refined Ram’s Head Big Muff style circuitry and a super-fast and smooth in-built noise gate, the Imperial will give you...
Caroline Guitar Company Shigeharu Fuzz Demo

Caroline Guitar Company Shigeharu Fuzz Demo

Guitar demo of the ultra-versatile Shigeharu Fuzz by Caroline Guitar Company. Fuzz is hands down one of the most important effects in rock history, but it’s also one of the most finicky and fussy (pun intended). You think you’ve found the perfect fuzz pedal only to...
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