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The whole point of effects pedals has always been to push our crude slabs of steel-string equipped wood to new sonic horizons. To utterly transform our instrument into something else. Hence the last couple of years has seen a massive surge in devices dedicated to turning guitars and bass’ into fully-fledged synthesizers. So if you’ve always wanted to wield the rich synthetic magic of stacked analog oscillators or the complex twinkling soundscapes of FM synthesis, then these spectacular effects will take you there in plug-and-play pedal fashion.

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Videos and Articles Featuring Synth Pedals

Juan Alderete creates old-school bass synth tones with EQD pedals

Juan Alderete creates old-school bass synth tones with EQD pedals

Juan Alderete of The Mars Volta, RacerX and Big Sir fame, and now more recently known for his incredible work
Why ambient guitarists need an Auto-Wah/Envelope Filter on their pedalboard

Why ambient guitarists need an Auto-Wah/Envelope Filter on their pedalboard

Auto-Wah is so much more than a funk pedal! With the right combination of effects, you can create some of
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