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Octavers are simple in theory. They pitch your signal up or down a certain set of octaves. But depending on if you go down the analog or digital route, the tones and ways you can apply them are so different and multi-faceted. Analog octaves are extremely harmonically rich and mainly aimed at monophonic playing. An analog octave up can bring a stinging synthetic quality to fuzz pedals, whereas analog octave down effects are great for faux bass tones and subby synth textures. Digital, on the other hand, is pristine and precise and aimed at polyphonic playing, enabling you to conjure everything from pseudo twelve-string tones, huge otherworldly swells and bold thickening effects that will make any riff stand out with crushing grandeur.

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Videos and Articles Featuring Octave Pedals

The Most Terrifying Pedals I Own! Halloween Special 2024

The Most Terrifying Pedals I Own! Halloween Special 2024

It's finally Halloween again, so you know the deranged drill. Time to dive head first into an ocean of terrifying
Old Blood Noise Endeavors Pardner Demo

Old Blood Noise Endeavors Pardner Demo

Pardner is a synth-style fuzz with a dirty fx loop. It’s both simple and flexible at the same time. Familiar
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