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Boost, EQ and Preamp

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Sometimes the subtle effects are the ones with the greatest impact on your playing. That’s where Boosters, EQs and pre-amps come in. All of these are designed to shape your core tone in a myriad of ways.

A lot of people think they need a compressor, when what they’re really after is a nice booster or pre-amp to add a bit of punch and color to glue their sound together. Boosters and pre-amps are also great for adding a second gain stage to your rig, or for adding a bit of warmth to cold digital delays. There’s also no need to fight for your place in the mix with volume, when a good EQ will carve out the perfect sonic space for you to sit in without making your ears bleed. So embrace the sonic subtleties and take control of your tone.

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Videos and Articles Featuring Boost, EQ and Preamp Pedals

The Most Terrifying Pedals I Own! Halloween Special 2024

The Most Terrifying Pedals I Own! Halloween Special 2024

It's finally Halloween again, so you know the deranged drill. Time to dive head first into an ocean of terrifying
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KMA Machines Duality Calibrator Demo

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First Sights & Sounds - Intensive Care Audio Life Support

First Sights & Sounds – Intensive Care Audio Life Support

Unboxing and demo of Intensive Care Audio Life Support - a high fidelity all analogue preamp and overdrive Life Support
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