A demo of EarthQuaker Devices and Death By Audio's Time Shadows II The highly coveted weirdo...
My Top 10 Favorite Pedals Ever… So Far
A top 10 video listing my all time favorite pedals so far The question I’ve gotten the most...

Gear Of The Year 2021 – My Top 10 Effects Pedals
Let's spend the beginning of 2022 looking back at some of the most inspiring pedals that appeared on The Pedal Zone this...

Boss SY-200 Guitar Synthesizer Pedal Demo
Guitar demo of the latest synthetic wonder from Boss, the SY-200 Guitar Synthesizer. The SY-200 builds on the massive...

SolidGoldFX Lysis MKII Fuzz Modulator Demo
Guitar and Synthesizer demo of SolidGoldFX's fuzzy filter monster, the Lysis MkII Fuzz Modulator. If you’ve followed my...

7 Sounds From My Pedalboard – Tonal Teamwork
*Video is in stereo - Please use headphones for the best sonic experience* What started out as a picture on Instagram has...

Making Interstellar Synth Sounds together with Enrico from KMA Machines at 42 Gear Street
I pushed my good friend Enrico of KMA Machines and his stellar pedals to their synthetic limits. That Moai Maea just sounds...

Keeley Electronics Synth-1 Reverse Attack Fuzz Wave Generator Demo
Guitar demo of the synthetic nostalgia trip, the Keeley Electronics Synth-1. This monophonic guitar synth pedal, aka...

Gear Of The Year – My Top 10 Effects Pedals of 2019
*SPOILER ALERT!!* Don't read any further unless you've already watched the entire video. The list will be spoiled otherwise...

SolidGoldFX Lysis Polyphonic Octave Down Fuzz Modulator Demo
Guitar and Pocket Piano demo of the subsonic synth behemoth, Lysis by SolidGoldFX Lysis is SolidGoldFX’ synthy dirt device...