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Pitch Shifters / Harmonizers

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Pitch-Shifting is the effect that lets you transcend the world of guitar, by digitally shifting your sound up or down a certain set of intervals. Mix in some subtle octave up, and you can simulate a twelve-string guitar. Go for a heavy mix of both octave up and down and your guitar is suddenly a synthetic space organ. You can also add in harmonies like 5ths and 4ths in order to make melodies and solos stand out with true flair.

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Videos and Articles Featuring Pitch-Shifter / Harmonizer Pedals

The Most Terrifying Pedals I Own! Halloween Special 2024

The Most Terrifying Pedals I Own! Halloween Special 2024

It's finally Halloween again, so you know the deranged drill. Time to dive head first into an ocean of terrifying
Keeley Octa Psi Demo

Keeley Octa Psi Demo

The Keeley Octa Psi is a potent pairing of massive fuzz tones and polyphonic pitch-shifting that lets you unleash huge
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