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You’ve probably already guessed what all of this is about, simply based on the name of the site. The Pedal Zone is dedicated to pedals, pedals, pedals and even more pedals!

We’re not going to look at you all weird for having a pedalboard that’s fully dedicated to fuzz and nothing but fuzz. Got a weird delay obsession? Join the club and believe us, we’re gonna be the ones standing in the background applauding when we see you rocking reverb both before and after distortion!

Basically, The Pedal Zone Channel is your online sonic safe space. Your break away from normality and a gateway to a world full of fun sound explorations, all delivered through high-quality demos of the world’s best effect pedals and unique sound design tutorials. We also show off come cool tips & tricks and other fun tonal bits and pieces that our quirky minds can come up with.

So, if you like to get gear nerdy as much as we do, then please consider joining our great communities on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, our dedicated Facebook Group, subscribe to our YouTube channel or sign up to our newsletter!


Most recently in The Pedal Zone:

3 Pedals You Need To Hear - Bass War - Komorebi - DEL-mini

3 Pedals You Need To Hear – Bass War – Komorebi – DEL-mini

Too many pedals, and not enough time to give them all the attention they deserve. So here's me trying to make just a bit of amends, by throwing demos of 3 pedals at ya at the same time. The monolithic Death By Audio Bass War, the dizzyingly dreamy Dreadbox Komorebi and the delightful Nobels DEL-Mini. Gear used: Balaguer Ambient Espada ...
Beautiful Noise Effects Endless Sleeper II Demo

Beautiful Noise Effects Endless Sleeper II Demo

This is the Endless Sleeper II by Beautiful Noise Effects, a gorgeous modulated dual delay full of nostalgic echoes, swirly ambience and magic modulations. Gear used: Balaguer Espada Ambient Select Tonefox Elcaster Beautiful Noise Effects Endless Sleeper II Diamond Comp/EQ Keeley Noble Screamer Boss IR-200 ...
Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dark Star Stereo Demo

Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dark Star Stereo Demo

One of my biggest pedal dreams has for the longest time been a true-stereo Dark Star. So this is actually quite a surreal moment for me. It both feels nostalgic and refreshing at the same time. Like the past, present and future Stefan are clashing together all at once, because one of my all-time favorite pedals has finally levelled up… ...
EarthQuaker Devices Gary Demo

EarthQuaker Devices Gary Demo

Gary is the brainchild of EarthQuaker Devices and Lee Kiernan of the popular punk band Idles. I had a run-in with Gary, and all I can say, is that it has an impressive fuzz combined with a gnarly overdrive. See for yourselves! Gear used: Balaguer Espada Ambient Select Dunable Yeti DE EarthQuaker Devices Gary Source Audio Nemesis ADT Old Blood ...

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