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Gear Of The Year - My Top 10 Guitar Effects Pedals of 2018

Gear Of The Year – My Top 10 Guitar Effects Pedals of 2018

The year is coming to a close, which means we're winding down here at The Pedal Zone. But hey, dry
Tremolo Before or After Reverb?

Tremolo Before or After Reverb?

Should you place your Tremolo pedal before or after your reverb pedal on your pedalboard? Or maybe you should just
Harmonic Tremolo After Delay/Reverb and Discovering New Cool Synth Sounds

Harmonic Tremolo After Delay/Reverb and Discovering New Cool Synth Sounds

In this episode we discover a new cool sound using the EarthQuaker Devices Pitch Bay, Avalanche Run and Night Wire.
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