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Home 5 Pedal Demos 5 KMA Machines MANDRAKE Octo-Shrieker Demo

KMA Machines MANDRAKE Octo-Shrieker Demo

Demo of KMA Machines Mandrake

This is the new KMA Machines Mandrake, a straightforward yet inspiringly versatile analog octave fuzz that can deliver anything from bone-breaking doom saturation to plucky synth adventures. Let’s check it out.

Gear used:

Guitars and Synths:
Baum Wingman
Squier Jazzmaster Baritone
Yamaha VSS-30

KMA Machines Octo Shrieker
KMA Machines Cirrus Delay/Reverb
Source Audio Collider Stero Delay/Reverb
Collision Devices Singularity Fuzz
Boss IR-200

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