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EarthQuaker Devices Ledges

Tri-Dimensional Reverberation Machine

1.889,00 DKK

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Product Description

EarthQuaker Devices Ledges

Tri-Mode Reverb

Ledges is a three-mode reverb with the ability to save and recall six presets and user-assignable expression control with loads of customizable options. From classic, standard reverb tones to undiscovered sonic reaches, it’s everything you’ve ever wanted and needed out of a reverb.

The three switchable modes each deliver a unique blend of reverb, but are connected through a spectrum where the Room (R) reverb’s longest setting is the Hall (H) reverb’s shortest setting, the Hall reverb’s longest setting is the Plate’s (P) shortest setting, and the Plate’s longest setting just keeps on going. The Room setting at its shortest achieves a small, boxy room sound that gradually gets bigger as you turn it up. As you increase the Hall setting, it morphs into a Cathedrals™-style reverb that becomes really big, boomy and echoey with distant reflections. Turn up the Plate setting to get bouncy reflections that recycle and reverberate forever.

Main Features:

  • Reverb effects pedal
  • From classic, standard reverb tones such as 80s slapback reverb to a bigger room spring reverb styles and big, boomy and echoey cathedral-like hall reverb
  • 3 effects modes
    • Mode R: The Room setting at its shortest achieves a small, boxy room sound that gradually gets bigger as you turn it up
    • Mode H: The Hall setting becomes really big, boomy, and echoey with distant reflections
    • Mode P: The Plate setting creates bouncy reflections that recycle and reverberate forever
  • 2 modes of operation:
    • Live Mode – Green LED- pedal will operate exactly where the controls are set, any changes will have no effect on the presets unless saved
    • Preset Mode – red LED – recalls stored settings for each control, actual control settings will be ignored
  • 6 easily user-editable and accessible preset slots
  • Silent soft-touch relais-based switching with Buffered Bypass and trails
  • Flexi-Switch Technology for latching and momentary operation
  • EXP jack with user-assignable expression pedal or Voltage control pedal control over any parameter
  • All-analog dry signal path and digital effect signal path
  • Made in Akron, Ohio, USA
  • Powered by regular 9 V DC PSU
            (centre -, 2,1 mm, 75 mA current draw)

Ledges can go from an ‘80s slapback reverb mix to a bigger room spring reverb with the twist of the dials. The Mix knob lets you control how much your signal is affected, while the Length knob controls the size of the reverb. The Damping knob subtly mutes the high-frequency reflections of the reverb, which you’ll hear clearly by adjusting your gain.

In addition to all of the features, there are six Presets available. Simply select a number with the switchable knob and then engage the Save on the center button and dial in your perfect sound. A quick Recall on the same button and you have all of your personalized reverb sounds with a single tap. You can assign an expression pedal to each of the three controls and then save it all in the presets.

Additional information

Weight 0,4 kg
Dimensions 14,6 × 8,25 × 8,25 cm

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