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Home 5 Brands 5 Old Blood Noise Endeavors

After having gained experience helping build up pedal brands like Keeley Electronics and Walrus Audio, Brady Smith and Seth McCarrol decided in 2014 that it was time to live out their own creative vision to the fullest. The result? Old Blood Noise Endeavors, one of the most fearlessly artistic pedal brands in the industry today!

From day one, Old Blood Noise Endeavors have embraced digital technology, and have since sought to push the sounds we thought we knew so well to unprecedented creative extremes. Great examples of this are ambient enigmas such as Dark Star and Sunlight, which let you mangle and sustain reverb like never before, while devices such as Dweller and Reflector take phasing and chorus places you never thought possible. Their analog offerings like Fault V2 Overdrive and Alpha Haunt Fuzz provide you with staggering versatility as well, letting you shape cornucopias of driven and disintegrating textures far beyond the beaten dirt path so many have travelled before.

The heart and imagination within Old Blood Noise Endeavors is that of heroic explorers. Never afraid to go new places.

“After EarthQuaker Devices, Old Blood Noise Endeavors was the second boutique pedal brand that I got really into, and I remember their Procession Reverb and Dark Star Pad Reverb totally shaking my sonic foundation to the core back in the day. I had never heard anything like them, and that’s why I love OBNE. Every single release of theirs is something I’ve never heard before, and that’s quite a feat in today’s pedal market.”


Old Blood Noise Endeavors Products

Videos and Articles Featuring Old Blood Noise Endeavors

Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dark Star Stereo Demo

Old Blood Noise Endeavors Dark Star Stereo Demo

One of my biggest pedal dreams has for the longest time been a true-stereo Dark Star. So this is actually
The Most Terrifying Pedals I Own! Halloween Special 2024

The Most Terrifying Pedals I Own! Halloween Special 2024

It's finally Halloween again, so you know the deranged drill. Time to dive head first into an ocean of terrifying
The Stereo Hack - How to make Mono Pedals Sound Huge!

The Stereo Hack – How to make Mono Pedals Sound Huge!

Here's a few tips for those of you who want a wider stereo sound with your mono pedals. I show
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